0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s196987 (125 points)
edited by s196987

Dear Support,

we arranged our survey and wanted to publish it on SonaSystems today. But now, all questions are not there anymore? What does this mean? I can still see all questions in the „Fragenkatalog“ but if I start the Debug Mode they are not displayed?

For every question there comes the warning:

„The following error occured on page ?? of your questionnaire base (survey tutorial285159):

There is no question with the ID IN02 in this project.“

Beneath the "Fragenkatalog" there also occurs an "ERROR"-Sign (see picture).

But, for example, the question IN02 still appears, if I open the section "IN". This is the same for all questions...

What can I do?!
With kind regards,

by SoSci Survey (331k points)
Unfortunately the screenshots are a bit small to read the text. Does it show the question IN02, if you opened the section "IN"? Is there a preview visible in the question?
by s196987 (125 points)
I added new screenshots in the post - maybe you can look at them better now. Yes, the question appears if I go to the section "IN" - but not when I go to the Debug-Mode. This problem is the same for all questions in the survey...
I don´t know why because I have already put all Items together in "Fragebogen zusammenstellen". And during the last days it always worked.
I guess it has something to do with the [ERROR]-Symbol in screenshot 2.
by SoSci Survey (331k points)
Would you be fine if I created an admin authorization for the survey project and gave this a look by myself?
by s196987 (125 points)
Yes, that would be great. Thank you!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (331k points)
selected by s196987
Best answer

It seems that by switchinig between the two projects in your account, you managed to create a question "between" the projects.

I have corrected that and cleared the project's cache, so the questionnaire will work now. Also will I resume to track the source of the issue. That, however, shall not bother you.

by s196987 (125 points)
Thank you so much! No it works again! Great support :)

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