0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s008220 (120 points)
edited by SoSci Survey

In my study, the teacher must assess self-regulation skills for all students in his class.

I want to set up a survey where the teacher can enter his Teacher-ID, the system filters his students from a database, and then the teacher fills out the Self-Regulation Ability scale (5 items) for each student.

Programming-wise, I would need to have a database with all students (Student-ID) and assigned Teacher-ID, filter the students matching the teacher from that, and use a loop to display and capture the Self-Regulation scale for each student - how do you do that in soscisurvey?

Unfortunately I have not been able to find appropriate instructions through the search function.

Thank you very much for any hints!

Kind regards

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (331k points)

Unfortunately I have not been able to find appropriate instructions through the search function.

If you used the "database for contents" you can use the teachers' IDs as prefix for the database keys.

Teacher 1 = ABCDE
Teacher 2 = FGHIJ

Entries for the pupils:

ABCDE001 ... whatever data for student 1 in class 1
ABCDE002 ... whatever data for student 2 in class 1
FGHIJ001 ... whatever data for student 1 in class 2
FGHIJ002 ... whatever data for student 2 in class 1

You can then use dbKeys() or dbLoad() to get the data for all students in the class.

That, of course, makes only sense if you have data for each student (e.g. names). If you need just the number, you may as well simply store the class size per teacher/class.

Important: Keep in mind that you will need a DPA as soon as you process data that can be aligned to people: Personal data

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