0 votes
in Datenauswertung by s178184 (110 points)

It is however marginally likely that none of the respondents at least gave a few answers to the questions. For me it is not comprehensible where this lack of answers originates from. As I m new with sosci survey I maybe made some mistake in the settings (before the survey was submitted) or at the stage of data-downloading. Id be very pleased if someone gave me a hint as these are severe questions that are required for sequent analysis.

Thank you very much.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (305k points)

Thanks for granting access to the survey project.

According to compose questionnaire the questions for that answers are missing are not (any more) placed in the questionnaire. You can download the questionnaire history in the settings tab to check at what point of time these quetions have been remove, and by whom (in collaborative projects).

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