Hello, thank you for your quick answer. I am not sure if I understood properly:
But first I defined those variables (at the very beginning of the script, before the "hello":
if (getRoute() == 'start') {
$tic = readGET('return_tic');
put('IV02_01', $tic);
replace('%tic%', 'IV02_01', 'response');
Then, I want a filter regarding the age of the participants, so I wrote this:
if ((value('SD02_04') < 25) and (value('SD02_04') > 55)) {redirect(
if ((value ('SD01') == 2) and ((25 < value('SD02_04')) and (value('SD02_04') < 36)))
{$round = urnDraw('womanyoung', 'IV03');}
if ((value ('SD01') == 1) and ((25 < value('SD02_04')) and (value('SD02_04') < 36)))
{$round = urnDraw('manyoung', 'IV03');}
if ((value ('SD01') == 2) and ((35 < value('SD02_04')) and (value('SD02_04') < 46)))
{$round = urnDraw('womanmiddle', 'IV03');}
if ((value ('SD01') == 1) and ((35 < value('SD02_04')) and (value('SD02_04') < 46)))
{$round = urnDraw('manmiddle', 'IV03');}
if ((value ('SD01') == 2) and ((45 < value('SD02_04')) and (value('SD02_04') < 56)))
{$round = urnDraw('womanold', 'IV03');}
if ((value ('SD01') == 1) and ((45 < value('SD02_04')) and (value('SD02_04') < 56)))
{$round = urnDraw('manold', 'IV03');}
if ($round > 25) {redirect(
and if I try to for example enter a man, age: 60, I have the message error I sent to you before.
Is what you needed?
Thanks again for your help.