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in SoSci Survey (English) by s126407 (225 points)
closed by SoSci Survey

I uploaded images, which i will be using instead of items in Assignment (records latency) task.
I made an image which is an instruction and will be displayed as "text before first stimulus",
i have an image with a fixation point at the right place, because my stimuli are not centered, which will be used as "content between the stimuli"
and finaly I have 5 images that are the stimuli.
Problem I'm encountering and don't know how to solve is this: all images are scaled the same way, when i open them with GIMP they all have same image size: 1280x720 pixels, and resolution of 96000 pixels/in, they are zoomed 100% and apear the normal size on the screen.
However, the only picture that appears full screen when i initiate the Assignment question is the image I'm using as "text before the first stimulus". All other images appear extremely small. I'm adding printscreens.
Can you help me solve this?

closed with the note: Problem (most likely) solved
by SoSci Survey (335k points)
There is an option "Fixed height for stimulus content" in the question. Please enter a value such as 720 there. Does that change the result? If not, please post a pretest link that leads directly to the page with the question.
by s126407 (225 points)
Yes. Thank you!!

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