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in SoSci Survey (English) by s126407 (215 points)

I'm planning to use "assignment (records latency)". I'm not sure what function to use for setting the time limit.
Also, I'm having problems with displaying options in the question type "assignment (records latency)". The options which should appear when the task is displayed (I'm using one task per one question, so I'll have 8 assignment questions, with one task per each because of the time limit which will differ between tasks) are present before the stimulus is presented (below the "text before the first stimulus" which I'm using to place instructions). Can these options be removed prior to the task presentation?

1 Answer

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by SoSci Survey (324k points)

I'm planning to use "assignment (records latency)". I'm not sure what function to use for setting the time limit.

In your other question, you have asked for a dynamic time limit. We are talking about the limit that you specifiy for "Time limit per stimulus", right? The time the respondents have after the stimulus appeared till they must press a button - or the question consideres the item un-answered and continues automatically.

Will you modify that limit per-item or do you wnat to set that for all items/stimuli, but dynamically for each respondent?

Are you using the 8 different questions because you need inidivudal time limits for each (and that problem of dynamic time limits is therefore already solved) or because you have different response options?

Can these options be removed prior to the task presentation?

The point is that you need something to start the timer. Usually, you have multiple stimuli, and measure the time between the key strokes. But if there is no introducing text or something else, there is no accurate time to when begin the measure.

Therefore, again, my question why you have opted for 8 separate questions.

by s126407 (215 points)
edited by s126407
Thank you fro the prompt reply. I have quoted your questions and started my answers with caps lock so they would be easily found.

"In your other question, you have asked for a dynamic time limit. We are talking about the limit that you specifiy for "Time limit per stimulus", right? The time the respondents have after the stimulus appeared till they must press a button - or the question consideres the item un-answered and continues automatically."

YES, to limit the time of answering from the moment of presentation. If they fail, the next question will appear.

"Will you modify that limit per-item or do you wnat to set that for all items/stimuli, but dynamically for each respondent?"

- BOTH. I have 8 tasks (simple reasoning) of different length, which will be presented for individual mean time needed for that individual participant to read some similar sentences + 250, or 500, or 750 miliseconds.

"Are you using the 8 different questions because you need inidivudal time limits for each (and that problem of dynamic time limits is therefore already solved) or because you have different response options?"

- I'M USING 8 different questions because of individual time limits for each, plus I will have a confidence scale after each, and also, all tasks have different response options (these are 8 different reasoning tasks).

"The point is that you need something to start the timer. Usually, you have multiple stimuli, and measure the time between the key strokes. But if there is no introducing text or something else, there is no accurate time to when begin the measure.
Therefore, again, my question why you have opted for 8 separate questions."

I CAN PUT SOME blank stimulus for this purpose, however, when i do this, the answer options are present at the bottom of the screen from the outset (even during the introduction) and I don't want participants to see options before the task (this task is a task used to measure reasoning, it is not IAT, or lexical decision, or similar, so it is important that participants don't see answers prior to the task).
by SoSci Survey (324k points)
Okay, let's start with the last one: You have already seen the JavaScript option to trigger functions when a certain stimulus is presented? You could use such a function to hide the response options when the first dummy-stimulus is presented.

Do not forget to restore them when you display the first real stimulus.

> BOTH. I have 8 tasks (simple reasoning) of different length, which will be presented for individual mean time needed for that individual participant to read some similar sentences + 250, or 500, or 750 miliseconds.

So, this is where I needed to add some additional interface to the underlying script.

The assignment question now supports a new JavaScript method .setTimeouts() that allows you to define individual timeouts for each item. If you would like to set to second item to 1200ms and the fifth to 2000ms, then use it like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
        3: 1200,
        5: 2000
by s126407 (215 points)
Neverending thank yous :D
by SoSci Survey (324k points)
You're welcome :) Should the first part make trouble (actually, I did not try that myelf yoet), just ask a new question here in the online support. That should require way less background modifications than the dynamic timeouts.
by s126407 (215 points)
Hi, thanks again for all the advice!
I can't make dynamical timeouts work. I'm copying the code (respectively, on the page there is first php than html, than the question), and if you have some further advice i would be eternally grateful :)
This is the PHP code:
$tPAT = valueMean(array('RT05_01a', 'RT05_02a',
'RT05_03a', 'RT05_04a', 'RT05_05a'));
replace('%remain%', $tPAT);

*RT05_01a and so on are variable names for response times

and this is the html part:
<script type="text/javascript">
function next()
  // Forward participant onto the next page
window.addEventListener("load", function(evt) {
        1: %remain% + 500

In the debug mode i can see that the mean reponse time from the previous reading speed task has been calculated, however, the question on the page with the code, remains there for unlimited amound of time instead of mean reading time defined by tPAT + 500 miliseconds. I also tried without a placeholder, and it too doeasn't work. Sorry for the lay questions, i've never done anything similar before, and javascript is a mistery for me still.
Do you have an idea what should i do?
by SoSci Survey (324k points)
Would you mind posting this as a "related question" button above? It's getting a bit cufusing down here.

Just te be sure: You want only one single response time limit, right?

Please also post what the debug information on the page says. We shall find out whether the placeholder is wrong or the JS code is not working.
by s126407 (215 points)
yes, the one single response time limit (there is only one item in the assignment question)
I'm posting a related question now. Thanks!

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