0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s169744 (155 points)
edited by s169744

I would like to alter the order in which my responses are given. One is the "right" option, and the other the "wrong" option. As it is, I'm getting them labelled with the id 1 and id 2, and that's fine. However, since they always appear in that order, I fear that it will alter my test results, since subject may tend to always choose 1. I saw the option to change order, but it said it would change the ID, so then, how will I be able to retrieve correctly my data? Also, if it is possible, can I apply it to all of my questions at the same time or do I have to do it question by question? Thank you!!!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (335k points)

You can simply enable the item (and option) rotation in the question:
Rotation: Items

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