I would like to implement feedback about the mean reaction times after each block of an assignment question (8 Blocks/Questions, each has 56 items).
I see that all the reaction times are saved under the name of the item + "a", but I can't seem to find a name for a question that corresponds to these items (e.g. the reaction times for the single items of the question PR02 are named PR02_01a, PR02_02a, ..., in the data sheet. But there does not seem to be a question like e.g. 'PR02a').
What I have tried so far is this:
$itemlist = array(); // create an empty list
$number_items = 56; // check 56 items
for ($i=1; $i<=$number_items; $i++) { // enumerate from 1 to 56
$id = 'PR02'.'_'.$i.a; // how does this give me PR02_*ITEM*a? I think this is where my
problem is, I have tried different things, but none of them seemed to work
$itemlist[] = $i;
$mean = valueMean($itemlist);
put('IV06_01', $mean); //IV06_01 is the internal varible where the mean should be saved
<p>Your mean reaction time in the last block was '.sprintf('%1.1f', $mean).'
Does that lead me into the right direction? Or should this be done in a completly different way?
Any tip would be appreciated!