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in SoSci Survey (English) by s175367 (140 points)


I would be very happy if you could list me the different steps to publish my questionnaire for everyone.

I didn't have any issues with creating a pretest, but I'm not sure how to fully publish the questionnaire for everyone now.

Best Regards

by s175367 (140 points)
I want to leave my survey online for about 3-4 weeks and collect data with it. Which project background do I have to use?
by SoSci Survey (308k points)
The only background that will significantly limit the survey administration period is a "testing project".
by s175367 (140 points)
Is a testing project going to last 3-4 weeks and store answers?

And if not, how much would it be to do to so?
by SoSci Survey (308k points)
> Is a testing project going to last 3-4 weeks and store answers?

No a testing project is only for testing the software, not for collecting data.

With the background you, by and large, define if you use www.soscisurvey.de for free or if you will have to pay. And this as nothing to do with the features, but with the question, if you are entitled to use www.soscisurvey.de for free.
by s175367 (140 points)
Am I entitled as a student? If yes, it would be great if you could tell me what I need to change in the settings to publish my questionnaire for free and store the answers.
by SoSci Survey (308k points)
Depends on your project, please read this manual for details:
by s175367 (140 points)
How can I change the settings into 'free use' as it is only a study for my thesis.
by SoSci Survey (308k points)
You project is currently registered as test project. Please go to the "project settings" and there click the pen-and-paper symbol next to the project background.
by s175367 (140 points)
Okay thank you I did. I also set the dates until when it should be online.

Can you please tell me where I can find the active link for the public now? And how can you check how many people already participated and filled the survey in?
by SoSci Survey (308k points)
> Can you please tell me where I can find the active link for the public now?

If you set the time range, than it will be online as of the first date that you specified.

> And how can you check how many people already participated and filled the survey in?

You find the return rate in the "collected data" menu option.
by s175367 (140 points)
Okay great, but where can I find the survey link to send to people?

So I can download answers while the survey is still online right?
by SoSci Survey (308k points)
> Okay great, but where can I find the survey link to send to people?


> So I can download answers while the survey is still online right?

Yes, you can. And you can as often as you like :)

You can also go to "Collected Data" -> "View Data" to take a quick look into the records.
by s175367 (140 points)
Amazing thank :)

I just checked my data and is there a setting where you can see the which answers have been checked, so basically which words have been checked instead the table just showing 'checked' and not 'checked' ?
by s175367 (140 points)
I also saw that in my data table at the back there is a section with 'time001', 'time002' 'time003' what do these stand for?
by SoSci Survey (308k points)
May I kindly note that there's a great search feature in the manual ;)

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (308k points)

would be very happy if you could list me the different steps to publish my questionnaire for everyone.

Here are the steps as text: An Online Questionnaire in 5 Minutes (especially at the bottom)

And here explained in videos: Video Tutorials

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