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in SoSci Survey (English) by s002793 (415 points)

Hello - I would need Montenegrin as a language along with their flag in the language selection. I couldn't find a button to add a language or flag - is there a way to add this myself, and if not, would you mind adding it? Thanks a lot!

Additionally - we would have the translations for the buttons and labels etc for it once we set up the questionnaire. I would be happy to share this with other researchers somehow if it is helpful.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
selected by s002793
Best answer

We have added Montenegrin to our TODO list für the next major upgrade.

As a workaround for now, please add a language "user defined language 1". We can prepare the flag in the meanwhile, so you can easily add it to the language selection.

Additionally - we would have the translations for the buttons and labels etc for it once we set up the questionnaire. I would be happy to share this with other researchers somehow if it is helpful.

That would be great. As we do not yet have the language prepared at the moment, and you have ot yet set up the questionnaire: Would you write us an email to info@soscisurvey.de, as soon as you are set up?

by s002793 (415 points)
Ok awesome, that options works for me!
Will send the email once we're ready.
Thanks a lot!
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
In the meanwhile, here's the code for the language selection. Please change

<div class="flag">%flag%</div>

as follow:

<div class="flag"><img src="flag.cnr.png" alt="Montenegrin" class="s2t-flag"></div>
by s002793 (415 points)
I went to survey language selection, and in the list of languages, in the one for user defined, I changed it so the final version looks like this:

<div class="option">
    <a href="%link%">
    <div class="flag"><img src="flag.cnr.png" alt="Montenegrin" class="s2t-flag"></div>
    <div class="desc">%lang%</div>

I feel like I did something wrong, because it's not displaying properly. It shows as a rectangle with Montenegrin written in it and a 1 underneath.
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
My apologies, I forgot the path ../images/

<div class="flag"><img src="../images/flag.cnr.png" alt="Montenegrin" class="s2t-flag"></div>

Please also replace "%lang%" by "Montenegrin"
by s002793 (415 points)
Perfect, thanks a lot, that worked!

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