0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s175204 (135 points)

When user submits form with invalid input the focus returns to the first invalid field what is definitely the best behaviour in terms of accessibility and usability. However, when the survey is in the accessibility mode and the current page contains a group of dropdown select boxes it doesn’t work correctly. The focus doesn’t return to the first invalid dropdown box but to the first dropdown regardless it is valid or not.
It is confusing especially for users with visual impairment and it is difficult for them to find which element needs to correct the input.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (305k points)

Thank you for the hint and the patience.

The Update 3.2.30 fixes the focus issue for scale batteries - I assume that is what you meant by "group of dropdown select boxes" - and in other questions. In the scale question the issue also affected the radio-button-input view of the scale.

The update hat been installes on www.soscisurvey.de (s2survey.net received updates with some delay). I woudl appreciate feedback if the update did not work for your questions like expected. In that case please also specify the question type you are using.

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