0 votes
in Methoden-Fragen by s173394 (210 points)


I am also planning a study where participants will have to talk to one another (in pairs) via chat.

I see there are many chat apps out there, but they require hosting on a server which would be a technical challenge... In addition, there is also the concern about data safety...

So I was wondering if there may be a way to incorporate chat between participants in SoSci Survey? It could even be partially simulated (via free text input questions), as long as it allows for a brief real-time exchange and storing of the text between two participants... If not, maybe there is another solution that I am simply not aware of?

Thanks a lot!

related to an answer for: integrate WhatsApp ot Chat Bot in survey.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (337k points)

So I was wondering if there may be a way to incorporate chat between participants in SoSci Survey?

There used to be a survey project in 2020 (before Corona), that got their respondents into a lab. Then, by using the database content contents, they realized something like a chat. Not real-time, but "statement" -> next -> "see other's statements and answer" -> next -> and so on.

The key challange then was to get the respondents synchronized, because even if they start the questionnaire at the same time, they tend to arrive at the "chat" page at different times. If you do not work in a lab, that challenge becomes an even greater issue.

And then there's also the challenge how to assign chat-pairs. If you do so at the very beginning of a survey, then one may stop answering on page 3, and the other one has no chat-partner left.

So, aside from the fact that SoSci Survey does not yet provide a chat feature in the narrow sense, there are significant organizational challenges to overcome in order to make a useful online design with a chat.

by s173394 (210 points)
Thank you!

Yes, the survey has to be done online during Corona...
The chat turns out to be even more complicated that expected...

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