0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s002793 (415 points)

Hello! We will be running a survey with participants that have visual impairments; after a first trial run with a screen reader, they gave a bit of feedback.

One of them being that the logo does not have a text label attributed to it. They asked if it's possible to ask an option that allows assignment of the attribute alt="text" with the logo.
How could I implement this?

The second comment was the following:

The ‘Back’ and ‘Next’ buttons are positioned by HTML table and screen reader might announce a table each time these buttons get a focus. It’s a bit confusing for a user because there’s no data table. We can avoid that by adding role=”presentation” to the table:

Should I here manually try to call the button and include the role?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (332k points)
selected by s002793
Best answer

One of them being that the logo does not have a text label attributed to it.

That was designed in purpose to avoid the logo adding additional (reading) text to the page. If there are many respondents who would prefer a "logo" instead, we will change that.

What you can to is to replace the %logo% placeholder in the layout by this HTML code:

<img src="logofile.png" alt="logo" class="s2-logo">

We can avoid that by adding role=”presentation” to the tabl

Good point, that will be updated on www.soscisurvey.de by tomorrow.

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