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in SoSci Survey (English) by s169744 (155 points)

I'm using a likert-type scale, which goes from not at all to extremely. I've been retyping all of my possible selections in all of my questions. Is it possible to use one as a template and generate the same types of answers in all of the questions or do I continue to do so manually? This includes the response options as well as the number acnhorage which I've doing manually Thank you1

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (330k points)

You can create templates and/or simply copy existing questions. Unfortunately, the respective chaper ist quite new and has not yet been translated to English:

Fragen verwalten und als Vorlagen verwenden

By and large, you find the "copy question" button on the top of every question, and in the same row there's a button to create a template. It is names "share", but you can simply share with yourself to create a private template.

by s169744 (155 points)
That is something that I had figured out. However, if you are using a horizontal selection, and you change your input for the options, you have to change it manually, one by one.
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
Well, yes and no. You can use the "direct input" for items/options in the question. This at least allows you to copy and paste all options at once per question.

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