0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s168516 (110 points)
recategorized by SoSci Survey


I have manged to forget my admin password, how to reset it.


1 Answer

0 votes
by s091203 (1.2k points)

You can reset your password via the login. If you use a wrong password on the next side you can press the button Forgot Login or Password on the left side. On the next page you can either set a new password or ask for your login data via email.

by s168516 (110 points)
Does not work for the admin account (local installation)
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
In that case please open /admin/install.php - this will provide you with an option to change the config/system.php file (manually) to start the installations, which again will allow you to change the admin password. No data is losting during the setup process.

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