Hello, thank you very much for your reply. These are the steps we follow in Qualtrics (should apply to sosci survey as well). First, follow these steps in Qualtrics:
1. Survey flow
2. Add a new element here
3. Embedded data
4. In the box, delete the text that reads, “Create New Field or Choose From Dropdown...,” and type MID (case sensitive).
Next, in MTurk, follow these steps when setting-up the HIT:
1. Design layout
2. Source
3. Replace text with script below (make sure to replace the text https://YOUR_QUALTRICS_SURVEY_URL_GOES_HERE with your survey URL)
4. Source
5. Finish setting-up HIT
And this is a part of MTURK code we have modified.
<td><strong>Survey link:</strong></td>
<td><div id="myelementLink" style="display: inline; font-family: Verdana;"><tt>URL not shown because there is an error with Javascript on your computer. To perform this HIT, you must have Javascript and cookies enabled on your browser.</tt></div>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!--
var assignment_id_field = document.getElementById('myelementLink');
var paramstr = window.location.search.substring(1);
var parampairs = paramstr.split("&");
var mturkworkerID = "";
for (i in parampairs) {
var pair = parampairs[i].split("=");
if (pair[0] == "workerId")
mturkworkerID = pair[1];
if (mturkworkerID == "" ) {
assignment_id_field.innerHTML = '<tt>The link will appear here only if you accept this HIT.</tt>';
} else {
assignment_id_field.innerHTML = '<a target="_blank" href=" https://YOUR_QUALTRICS_SURVEY_URL_GOES_HERE 7”?MID=' + mturkworkerID + '"><h1><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><span style="font-family: Courier New;"><b>Click here to begin taking the survey!</b></span></span></h1></a>';
The problem is that I do not know how to create this embedded data in sosci survey