0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s161108 (150 points)

I am having a problem when the questionnaire is opened on a smartphone.First one is on a smartphone and second is the correct version on PC.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (330k points)

This is the desired behavior (also known as "responsive design"): A smartphone display is not broad enough to allow for the same display like a PC screen.

You can disable the dynamic display mode in the question, and use the same table-style-layout from the PC on the smartphone as well.

But, before you do that, make sure to change the question type from a scale with interim values (that you do not have) to a scale without them. You can still enable numbers an an anchor. And you will see that the other question type has a very different behavior on smartphones :)

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