0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s161108 (150 points)

The first page would be a consent page, so I want to put an agree button instead of next. So how I can do that?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by s109993 (12.2k points)

I would use both, a check box AND a continue button. Otherwise people click on the checkbox accidently and then go already to the next page.

For that, follow the next steps:

  1. put the following code in a html field and put it on the top of the first page of you questionnaire:
<script type="text/javascript">  SoSciCustomInputs = function() { }  </script>
  1. create a question (I used "Mehrfachauswahl", a question where you can select multiple options). Do not enter a question, but only write the text you need in the item text.
  1. Then put the question on your page. Above it, use the following code:
input[type="checkbox"] {
    border:2px solid #555;


Copy it in a php- field.
That is obviously just one way to do it.

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (336k points)

To replace the "Next" by "Agree", simply use the option() function:

option('nextbutton', 'Agree');

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