0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s143071 (135 points)

Tried with \\ \n <br> and html special character codes, but non worked. Any Ideas?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (330k points)

Please use <br>, but make sure that you allow for HTML contents in the placeholder.

replace('%some%', 'Some<br>text', 'html');
by s143071 (135 points)
edited by s143071
Tried, but still doesn't work. I get litteral 'Some<br>text' on screen. It works, for example in question title, but not in the question hint, where is supposed to be
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
There are a few field where no HTML content is allowed. In those cases, the newline-character-solution (that you already found) is a good choice.
0 votes
by s143071 (135 points)

Found a solution (at least for firefox, didn't test in chrome or other browser):

replace ('%some%', 'Some&#10;Text 'html')

&#10; - html numeric code for line feed

by SoSci Survey (330k points)
You could as well use the \n with double quotation marks:
replace('%some%', "Some\ntext");

If you are not working with <pre>-Formatted code (as in your setting), then the browser will likely ignore the newline-character in the HTML code.

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