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in SoSci Survey (English) by s156737 (150 points)


I have sent out the survey and received positive answers from people who I have conatacted that they have filled in the questionnaire. I can see that data is getting collected. However, te list of contacts menu does not indicate those who have filled in the questionnaire or started it. As I want to remind only those people who have not yet responded it is a problem that I need to solve. What do I need to set in order that this option can work properly?
In the data, I do not see the e-mail adress of the respondent either. How can I set it? Is it the personally identifiable recipients option that I need for that?

Best wishes

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (330k points)

In the data, I do not see the e-mail adress of the respondent either. How can I set it? Is it the personally identifiable recipients option that I need for that?

Yes ... but in that case, please make sure that you are working on s2survey.net (with a DPA) or a local server, because you are not allowed to process personal data on www.soscisurvey.de

If you do not see the response status, this can have different causes:

  1. Maybe you did no yet select the proper mailing in the dropdown on the upper right of the address list
  2. Maybe you did not send personalized URLs in the mailing that would allow an identification of the respondents by SoSci Survey
by s156737 (150 points)
half of our email list Error invalid e-mail address writes an error the other half writes it didn't open but we know it was received and sent
but it is not visible to anyone
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
The error status is independent from the participation status: The former is detected by the server if an email is bounced.

Do you see codes in the colum SERIAL of your data set?
by s156737 (150 points)
no its empty
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
Than it's likely that no personalized links have been sent in the mailing. That is either because there is ot placeholder %link%, or because non-personalized links have been opted for in the "link to the questionnaire" tab of the mailing.

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