sobald wir unseren Pretest starten wollen erscheinen 3 Fehlermeldungen.
Questionnaire Error (page 2)
An error occured while creating the questionnaire page. Please inform the project administrator about the problem and include a copy of the error message below. Thank you very much.
Variable AF01_pts is unknown to this project (see listing of variables). Therefore no result can be retrieved
Questionnaire Error (page 2)
An error occured while creating the questionnaire page. Please inform the project administrator about the problem and include a copy of the error message below. Thank you very much.
The command put() has been used with the label AF02_01. There is no label with this ID. If this is the ID of an "internal variables&qupt; question, please give the ID of one of its variables.
Questionnaire Error (page 2)
An error occured while creating the questionnaire page. Please inform the project administrator about the problem and include a copy of the error message below. Thank you very much.
The command put() has been used with the label AF02_02. There is no label with this ID. If this is the ID of an "internal variables&qupt; question, please give the ID of one of its variables.
Diese Fehlermeldung erscheint auch, wenn wir die besagte Variable gelöscht haben.
Vielen dank im Voraus.