0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s117730 (140 points)

Dear all,
Some of my columns were completely missing when I downloaded the collected data. When I changed variables setting to ”Any data stored in the data set, including those from deleted questions/items” now I see the missing columns but WITHOUT data (NA) underneath the columns in my CSV file. However, these variables (questions) haven’t been deleted at all. And right now on pretest mode I see the questions and I have answered them (these are mandatory questions so no one could skip answering them).
Why are the data missing underneath some of the must to answer columns? I have read the section about ”Problem Solutions for Data Retrieval” and have tried the suggestions but still cannot solve the problem! would you please help me figure out the solution?


1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (330k points)

Why are the data missing underneath some of the must to answer columns?

There are several possibilities:

1) People may have stopped answering on that page or before -> check LASTPAGE

2) People may have completed another questionnaire -> check QUESTNNR

3) You may not have included the respective questions in your questionnaire -> check Compose Questionnaire

4) You may have renamed the variables -> check the question

5) You may have change the question time from "selection" to "multiple choice selection"

6) An error may have occured during data import -> check Collected Data -> View Data

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