0 votes
in Methoden-Fragen by s137476 (110 points)

Within our project we are using different established questionnaires (e.g. the strength and difficulties questionnaire, KidScreen, BRIEF (licence by Hogrefe)). We want to give a feedback/report to the participants at the end of the interview. Sometimes this implies, that the age of the participant needs to be calculated and the scoring reported to the according age range. Is it possible to import a syntax for analysing these questionnaires?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (306k points)

You can implement such calculations, depending on the requirements, this will be a simple valueMean() or counting points, or much more complicated.

Is it possible to import a syntax for analysing these questionnaires?

If the syntax is written in PHP, then this is possible, yes. Otherwise, you will have to rewrite a few parts to make it work.

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