0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s152545 (110 points)
closed by s152545

One item has a double rating scale. If I delete this item, the double rating scale exchange to another item before the position of the last one with this problem. I change o lot of items, but the double rating scale is always on the same page nearly the same position. So you can vote positve and negativ at one item. Help me, please!

closed with the note: I find the mistake.
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
I am afraid I do not properly undestand your question.

Could you please specify what question type you mean by "double rating scale" (or do you have a combined question from two scales?)?

Please also explain more clearly what you mean by "If I delete this item, the double rating scale exchange to another item before the position".

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