0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s057462 (330 points)

I tried to upload a project .xml file in Project settings of a new project but when I click on the arrow field to upload the file it jumps back to the first page without uploading anything. How can I import that old project to make use of the questionnaires and settings in the new project?
Thanks for any hints.
All the best

related to an answer for: How can I import an existing survey?
by SoSci Survey (321k points)
How large is the XML file?
by s057462 (330 points)
The file has 1KB - so should not be too large?
by SoSci Survey (321k points)
Definitely not. We had such problems when importing 100 MB files, therefore my question.

Would you mind sending the XML file to info@soscisurvey.de via email? Then I can give it a try and check the error logfiles.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (321k points)

Thanks for sending the file.

It seems like that is an XML from an empty survey project. It does not contain any questions, just the default "base" questionnaire with no other content that the goodbye page.

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