0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s152546 (190 points)
edited by SoSci Survey

please tell me if it is possible that at the end of seven groups of different items (which were in each group filtered successively - with the PHP commands

$act = getItems('OS02','<', 3) ;
question('OS03', $act);
$imp = getItems('OS03','>', 2) ;
question('OS04', $imp);
$pl = getItems('OS04','==', 1) ;
if (count($pl) == 0) {
} else {
  question('OS05', $pl);
$plfam = getItems('OF03','==', 1) ;
if (count($plfam) == 0) {
} else {
  question('OF04', $plfam);

... and so on...
to remain only the most relevant)

to be displayed together on a text page at the beginning of a new (different but related) group of items ?

related to an answer for: How to display items as text

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
selected by s152546
Best answer

to be displayed together on a text page at the beginning of a new (different but related) group of items ?

We have alread discussed the PHP code to display the items from a single question. That was something like ...

$texts = [];
$items = getItems('OS04','==', 1);
foreach ($items as $item) {
  $texts[] = getItemtext('OS04', $item);
replace('%list%', implode(', ', $texts));

If you keep the first and last line, and repeat the 4 lines in between for every question, then you will have a list with all items in the placeholder %list%.

by s152546 (190 points)
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