0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s088963 (110 points)

Dear SoSci Survey Team,

I would like to know if I have to pay for the service if I want to investigate for my bachelor thesis at a chilean public university (throughout the whole organization, like administration, management, academics, etc). The university has not given me any restrictions or variables or any other input for the research, it was my personal choice for the bachelor thesis to investigate in this organization, but of course I would share my thesis publicly with the university if they are interested in it.
Please let me know since I did not really understand if I can use SoSci Survey for free in this case.

L. Schmitz

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (325k points)

Usually it's like this: If you do research in cooperation with a commercial (i.e., no NGO) organization or company, or if you do contract research, then you (or the company) has to pay a usage fee, so we can re-finance the server and further development.

If there is no commercial organization involved (and you don't earn money with the survey), you can use www.soscisurvey.de for free. Depending on whether the results are published, the questionnaire may display advertising on the last page (no publishing) or no advertising (only published research is really academic research).

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