0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s144843 (110 points)
edited by SoSci Survey

The questionnaire doesn't shuffle the blocks. It just jumps to one of the blocks and then continues in the "normal order" of the questionnaire. I want the pages BIB-BIE (block 1), GEB-GEE (block 2) etc. to be shown random in order? How?

if (!isset($blocks)) {
  // Liste der Seiten definieren
  $blocks = array(
    // Block 1
    array('BIB', 'BI0', 'BI1', 'BI2', 'BIE'),
    // Block 2
    array('GEB', 'GE0', 'GE1', 'GE2', 'GEE'),
    // Block 3
    array('HIB', 'HI0', 'HI1', 'HI2', 'HIE'),
    // Block 4
    array('CAB', 'CA0', 'CA1', 'CA2', 'CAE'),
    // Block 5
    array('SLB', 'SL0', 'SL1', 'SL2', 'SLE'),
  // Liste der Blöcke mischen
  // Die Seite ergänzen, wo es nachher weiter geht
  $blocks[] = 'T2';
  // Reihenfolge zwischenspeichern, um spätere Änderung zu vermeiden

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (320k points)

The questionnaire doesn't shuffle the blocks. It just jumps to one of the blocks and then continues in the "normal order" of the questionnaire.

This most likely happens if you're using setPageOrder(), loopPage(), loopToPage() or setNextPage() within any of the blocks. Each of these commands will break out of a previously set page order.

If that is not the case, please post the debug information displayed in the questionnaire. The one where you're still in the block and the next one.

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