0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s084442 (130 points)

The answer is very informative and it explains everything.
HOWEVER, I need to know more about what do you mean by "mailings"? Whether I ask for a participant to leave her/his mail? And then the system creates a specific "ID" so I could know who is the respondent to the particular q-nnaire?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (321k points)

For an extensive explanation of the mailing feature in SoSci Survey see Send Mailings.

The short version: You import email addresses (anonymous or not), send one or more maillings to the adressees (containing a personalizes questionnaire URL), and then you have a person ID (SERIAL) in each data set. This is particularly useful when conducting multi-wave surveys. And even more so, if you want the data to remain anonymous.

Privacy note: If another project imports the same email adress (or if you import it twice), a different person ID will be assigned. When the address entry is deleted, the association between person ID and name/email adresse is deleted as well.

by s084442 (130 points)
thank you so much, very very very nice explanation

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