0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s139684 (230 points)
edited by s139847

we would like to change the flag for our swahili translation from black and white to the East-African Flag. Is this possible and if yes how?

We also would like to change it for the amharic version.

Best regards

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (331k points)

We have added the East-African flag for Swahili. The update was made for www.soscisurvey.de, it will follow on s2survey.net when required.

We also would like to change it for the amharic version.

You can either tell us which flag would be suitable. Or you can replace the %flag% placeholder in Language Versions -> Language Selection in the Questionnaire with an appropriate <img> tag.

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