0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s139701 (210 points)


I want to access the Datenschutz-Modus settings as follow:
Einladungen-verschicken->Adressliste (panel)-> Datenschutz-Modus

However, in Adressliste (Panel) I do not have the options that should be available to choose the option Datenschutz-Modus.

Attached is a screenshot of what I see on my screen. As you see, I should sign a AVV Contract. I did and anyway I have the same screen as in the attachment. Is this because I am doing a test project??? But I should test the functionality of the software including this.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by s139847 (2.7k points)


it's correct that you need to send in an AVV application so we can a) make sure that no one abuses the function and b) because emails are personally identifiable information that need to be protected in accordance with the DSGVO. once the AVV has ben approved, you can access the settings. When did you send in the application specifically?


by s139701 (210 points)
I have sent the AVV aplication this afternoon. Just before I sent my question.

Concerning the privacy settings, in the website is written "The standard setting of oFb only collects few meta data for each interview, such as the time and date when the interview started. This setting is suitable for most projects.

To me it is not clear concretely which meta data the standard setting saves besides time and date. Does it mean that the standard setting does not save any personal data and IP (the collection of data it is anonymous) unless changes are made in Project Settings, Privacy???
This (standar setting) applies when a link is used to the invite respondents to take part in the survey right? (no email adress list).
by SoSci Survey (306k points)
> However, in Adressliste (Panel) I do not have the options that should be available to choose the option Datenschutz-Modus.

You can already access the address list, right? Or does it still display the AVV/DPA form (what I guess from your quetstion)? If the form is still visible, please make sure that you also confirm the contract (yellow button).

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