0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s084442 (130 points)

Where I could find a detailed information in what principal the program gives ID number to the participate?
Additionally how is this data saved and do any other people can see the data?
I need this information for ethical proposal, so I would be thankfull to get a link or to information or the info itself.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (327k points)

It depends on what feature you're using.

In general, there is no ID, only a CASE number for each record.

If you use mailings, then the SERIAL (person ID) is a random string assigned to the respondent when the email address is imported into the address list.

Additionally how is this data saved and do any other people can see the data?

The data is save in a MySQL database, and others (by means of "third persons") shall not be able to access that data at all. I assume, that was not exactly your question? What information, specifically, do you need?

Have you already seen the privacy information on the homepage?

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