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in SoSci Survey (English) by s084784 (120 points)

We were just having a look at your tool and it came up the following question: Can the user stop the survey on the middle of It, save it and open again the survey where he just left it? Or does it have to start it over any time that he closes the tab of the survey?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (306k points)

You have different options to do that. Here are the most popular ones:

(1) If you invite respondents via mailing (individual links sent via SoSci Survey), then you can resume answering with the individual link at any time. Even if the browser window was closed accidently.

(2) In Compose Questionnaire -> Settings you can enable a button to pause the interview. This button will offer different options to resume.

Technically, the data is stored whenever the respondent clicks "next". The challenge is to identify the correct respondent when they come back to the survey.

Further options are a cookie and multi-wave surveys.

by s084784 (120 points)
Do you know if there is a work around to overcome that challenge to identify the correct respondent? Multi-wave survey doesn't really apply to what we are planning to do :(
by SoSci Survey (306k points)
Both options are intended to overcome the challenge. Did you take a look at option (2) above?

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