0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s139684 (230 points)

We have developed a multilungal questionnaire and offer to version under the Chinese Flag. However, it says: traditional and simplified. I was told that our target group will not understand this and we would like to change it to: Mandarin or Chinese and Cantonese.
How can we do this?
Thank you

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
selected by s139684
Best answer

In the menu please go to Language Versions -> Survey Language Selection.

There, change the placeholder %lang% to the text that shall be displayed.

by s139684 (230 points)
Great. Worked out well.
We have changed it and hope that we covered all cultural aspects to: simplified Chinese characters (简体中文) and traditional Chinese characters (繁體中文).

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