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in SoSci Survey (English) by s006434 (140 points)


How can I adapt page 1 and the last page (the ones with Welcome and Thank you that are entered as html code directly when putting together the questionnaire) to the different language versions?
I already have the english original and the 4 needed translations, however, different from the other parts of the questionnaire that were translated using the built in functions nd tables, I cannot change it as IF i change i (no matter what language version I preselected), I change it FOR ALL LANGUAGE VERSIONS when I look a it afterwards.
Please help!


1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (335k points)

Are you using a multilingual questionnaire?

In that case you should be able to store a different version of any text for each language.

by s006434 (140 points)
Ok, obviously the best way (to leave it to the respondents to choose heir preferred language) is ONLY VISIBLE when you set up a questionnaire for the first time.
After you select e.g. Englisch, “offer selection” is not longer provided as choice in language settings → language selection in the questionnaire.

Or is there another possibility?
by SoSci Survey (335k points)
You shall always be able to select "offer selection" in the questionnaire -> settings. If not, please send a screenshot to info@soscisurvey.de, so we can take a closer look.
by s006434 (140 points)
I think, I looked at the wrong spot... By coincidence I found the "Settings Tab" following "Compile Questionnaire" and heyjeyyy... there it was (and already chosen) - additionally to a more than comfortable template to enter all different language versions.
BUT: I had to implement the translations not - as I planned it as direct input html on page 1, but as stand alone "question / text" on theis first page.
This even seems now logical to me.

Regards for your help,

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