0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s138753 (160 points)

Dear all,

I have created a survey and translated it into two other languages: German and Romanian. I would be curious if, presumably, someone would switch languages mid-way through the survey (for whatever strange reason), would this impact the data collection process? When I have tried this in the debug mode, my previous data/answers seem to have turned red. Therefore, I'd be interested in finding a possible solution, if any.

Thank you!

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
selected by s138753
Best answer

I would be curious if, presumably, someone would switch languages mid-way through the survey

I assume (hope) you have used the feature for multi-lingual questionnaires.

UIn that case simply enable the language switch button in the questionnaire's settings (compose questionnaire -> settings).

When I have tried this in the debug mode, my previous data/answers seem to have turned red.

Usually no completion check (invalid or missing answers are marked red) should be performed when switching the language. If it does in your case, would you mind sending a pretest link?

by s138753 (160 points)
I assume (hope) you have used the feature for multi-lingual questionnaires. -- Yes. Compliments on the design! It has been quite easy to use.

Usually no completion check (invalid or missing answers are marked red) should be performed when switching the language. -- You are right. It must have been some other problem that I was having. Now I checked (tried filling it out myself in the pre-test) and switched languages, and the language code switches automagically within the collected data set.

Really helpful! Have a nice day :)

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