Hallo ;)
Ich habe dazu auf der Seite keine genauen Angaben gefunden und wolte mich vor der Veröffentlichung des Fragebogens einmal vergewissern, ob folgende Frequentierung (nach Karpinski & Steinmann, 2006) im Testablauf des SC-IATs bei SoSci-Survey automatisch genauso umgesetzt ist:
In an attempt to prevent a response bias from developing, Coke pictures, good words, and bad words were not presented at equal frequency, but were presented in a 7:7:10 ratio so that 58% of correct responses were on the z key and 42% of correct responses were on the 2 key.
In the second stage (Coke bad), good words were categorized on the z key, and Coke pictures and bad words were categorized on the 2 key on the numeric keypad. Coke pictures, good words, and bad words were presented in a 7:10:7 ratio so that 42% of correct responses were on the z key and 58% of correct responses were on the 2 key.
--> Für die evaluative Dimension habe ich in meinem Fall zehn Begriffe für ,,gut / positiv'' und zehn für ,,schlecht / negativ''.
Vielen lieben Dank im Voraus.