0 votes
in Methoden-Fragen by s109957 (110 points)

I would like to make a survey about online dating and online chatting and the impact of smiley use on the percived attractiveness of potential dating partners.

Therefore I would like to have some kind of "chat" where the participants can write text and the "bot" answers to their questions.
Is there any tool that could do something like this or close to this? Do you have other Ideas how to create some kind of chat via the existing tools or is there another platform that could do something like this?

Best wishes and thanks a lot!


1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (337k points)

Well, there are some tools on the web (https://www.google.de/search?q=chatbot for your website), but it will be more than 3 clicks to use the chatbot in your questionnaire.

It may be even more complex to store the contents of the chat. Not speaking about the quality, because most chat bots are limited to a few thematic domains. In my opinion the chat bot will be - by far - the greatest challenge in your setting.

Regarding WhatsApp: They are proud of their end-to-end encryption. It seems not very plausible to me that any implementation will allow an intergration that support eaves-dropping the chat content.

asked Mar 23, 2021 in Methoden-Fragen by s173394 (210 points) Participant Chat

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