0 votes
in Methoden-Fragen by s126860 (165 points)

I use the zoom selection, and put the information and picture of each product into an image.
When one of them is been enlarged, others become smaller. So it's difficult to see the information of three products meanwhile. If all of them are not been enlarged, it's also too small.

Is there any possibility that people can compare the information of products simultaneously?
For example, to list information below each product, rather than put them in an image.

Thank you.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (304k points)

When one of them is been enlarged, others become smaller.

Yes, this is the idea behind the zoom selection :)

If you do not want to zoom the options at all, you may use a horizontal selection and emply the HTML code of the images as "option texts". Our, if you like the selection via border, use a normal selection and choose the display variant "cards" with 3 columns.

For example, to list information below each product, rather than put them in an image.

Sure. By using HTML code (e.g. in an horizontal selection) you can create beautiful tables etc.

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