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in SoSci Survey (English) by s119304 (110 points)

So basically my "question" presents a situation, which has to be evaluated and the items to it don't have a common scale, e.g.:
Question: You ask your parents or another family member for a loan to help you through a difficult financial time.
Item 1: How concerned or anxious would you be over whether or not your family would want to help you? (on a scale from 1= "very unconcerned" to 6= "very concerned")
Item 2: I would expect that they would agree to help as much as they can. (on a scale from 1= "very unlikely" to 6= "very likely").

(Berenson et al., 2013)

As far as I understood, I could duplicate the question and then somehow mask the first part of the duplicate so I get just the second item with its own scale presented, but I have to do this with and HTML-Code and I couldn't find a syntax for this particular situation, can you help me out? Thanks.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (310k points)

As far as I understood, I could duplicate the question and then somehow mask the first part of the duplicate so I get just the second item with its own scale presented,

By and large, this's one possible solution.

You won't need PHP code to do that; this manual should explain the basic: Concatenating Questions.

Another option was the question type "selection sequence" that is available in different display settings, including one that is quite close to a scale.

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