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in SoSci Survey (English) by s122300 (130 points)

I am trying to add the video so the respondents watch it then answer questions after it but it wont appear as an element so I cannot include it in the questionnaire when I try to compose the questionnaire.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (335k points)

Please see Embedding videos

by s122300 (130 points)
I dont understand how to use HTML text as I uploaded the video to sosci under the filename "SurveyVideo-Compressed.mp4" then I put the code below into the text element as instructed and an error message came up.  (in the manual, it says that it is also possible to use one format, so I will just stay with the mp4 file).

<video width="512" height="288" controls>
  <source src="SurveyVideo-Compressed.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

Could you kindly help me as I need to make the survey go live very soon and I need the video to be included.
by SoSci Survey (335k points)
> an error message came up

Please always post the exact error message - messages are very helpful to narrow down the problem.
by s122300 (130 points)
This is the error message:

Warning: The HTML code of the text element Video [eng] seems invalid. Please check the HTML code to avoid issues with the overall HTML structure of the questionnaire. The following errors were send internally:
[line 22] Unexpected end tag : p
The text element's changes were saved
by SoSci Survey (335k points)
Kann es sein, dass Sie (a) entweder als Darstellung für den Textbaustein nicht "HTML-Code" ausgewählt haben oder (b) dass Sie noch weiteren Inhalt im Textbaustein haben?
by s122300 (130 points)
Do I have to write the code in the text element? Then it appears?

Why cannot I not drag my uploaded video into the questionnaire when I compose it like I did with an image?
by SoSci Survey (335k points)
> Why cannot I not drag my uploaded video into the questionnaire when I compose it like I did with an image?

Different browsers need different file formats. Therefore, you shall usually upload a .mp4 and a .webm file and refer to both in the HTML code (see manual on media files). As there are at least two files involved, dragging one file into the questionnaire is of limited use.
by s122300 (130 points)
So I have to convert the video to a webm file then also upload it?

Then in the text element I write this code below (but with my file name as I uploaded) then save it and it should appear when I want to compose the questionnaire?

<video width="512" height="288" controls>
  <source src="filename.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
  <source src="filename.webm" type="video/webm" />
by SoSci Survey (335k points)
Yes, please make sure that you set the "HTML code" option for the text element.

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