0 votes
in Datenauswertung by s101702 (195 points)

Hello, I have set a filter in order to make sure I download only data that is complete. Now, that I was looking at the data already collected I noticed that more interviews could be included and I changed the filter setting. When I tried to download it with the changed setting it would not adjust and stay with the same result. What should I do to be able to download more of the already collected data?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (335k points)

When you change the selection criteria, the download should follow immediately (except when using an API link to download the data).

Please go to "collected data" -> "view data" and keep an eye on the color of the CASE number. If it is grey, the case does not match the criteria. If it is black, it matches the criteria and will be included in the downloaded data set.

Please also check the number shown at the bottom of the "criteria" settings page.

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