Hello, I have a survey, which is launched for a few days already. The experiment and control group were split to 60:40 using a random generator with the group assigned as follows:
1 = Experiment group1
2 = Experiment group2
3 = Experiment group3
4 = Control group1
5 = Control group2
and by using the following code in the composition:
$numberrnd = value('ME16'); // Retrieve the random number drawn by ME16
if ($numberrnd > 3) {
I see the warning in the random generator not to change the codes after data collection has started. However, after further consideration I see the need to change to 70:30 split. Can I still make an adjustment without hurting the data? Maybe by adding to the same random generator another groups and changing the code?
6 = Control group3
7 = Experiment group4
8 = Experiment group5
9 = Experiment group6
10 = Experiment group7
$numberrnd = value('ME16'); // Retrieve the random number drawn by ME16
if ($numberrnd > 3 && $numberrnd <= 6) {
Please let me know if any changes are possible at this point. Thank you and wish you a nice day :)