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in SoSci Survey (English) by s113029 (110 points)


I have two different text elements for introduction in English and German and when I click on 'compose questionnaire' I see them both on the left bar, however how do I put the English text element in English version and German in German version? If I choose different language it still shows one language for both version (only in Introduction)?

1 Answer

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by SoSci Survey (337k points)

Actually, you should create only one (!) text element for both languages.
For a description how to see Multilingual Surveys

by s113029 (110 points)
I have read it but sadly I still don't understand the steps. Should I open translation assistant on the left bar below 'language versions' and translate it automatically and straighten potential errors? If possible please give me step by step instructions
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
The first step is to create a multi-lingual project. If you did so, you have a language switch next to each text. This allows you to store two texts (one per language) for each text, may that be a question, an item, or a text element.

Then, in the survey, SoSci Survey will automatically display the interview language.

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