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in SoSci Survey (English) by s108637 (205 points)


I am creating a diary study where the participants will give me their email address via an opt-in question. As per the manual I have created two questionnaires. The first is public and contains only the opt-in question. The second was set up with access "mailing." I put an interruption page in the second questionnaire and put in php code to call mailResume() with the parameters (False,1,300) using code from the manual as a template. I also created two mailings. The ID of the mailing I wan sent from the opt-in question is 2 and the id of the one I want sent from the interruption page is 1 (I made them in reverse order).

When I go to the url for the opt-in questionnaire everything starts well. I get an email and it contains a link that directs me to the second questionnaire. After going to the second questionnaire and filling out the information on the second page I get to the interrupt page (which has no questions) and I get an error which says:

"This interview has not been started in context of a mailing. Therefore, mailResume() cannot identify the appropriate recipient."

Can you offer any advice on how to resolve this error ? I have not been able to find what I missed in the instructions.

1 Answer

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by SoSci Survey (329k points)

"This interview has not been started in context of a mailing. Therefore, mailResume() cannot identify the appropriate recipient."

Okay, that means that you probably did not start the sencd questionnaire by an individualized URL/link.

What does the link look like that starts the second questionnaire? Is it a mailing sent via mailSchedule() or is it a double-opt-in mail that automatically redirects the respondent to the second questionnaire?

Just to be sure: You already found this manual, did you: Multi-Wave Surveys with Self-Recruited Respondents

by s108637 (205 points)
Thank you so much !.  I'm sorry I missed the manual information on privacy.  I took your advice and it worked perfectly

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