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in SoSci Survey (English) by s290915 (120 points)


I work for the medical university and we are currently in the process of hiring a computer science student (Informatik) to help us with the programming of the questionnaire (since we have some very complex questions).

While the paperwork may take a couple of days to sort out and until he receives a User-ID from the university, it might also take an additional few days. In the meantime, we wanted to give him access to the project, so that he can take a look at the tutorials and get a better overview of SoSci-Survey. Is this in anyway possible (with a link perhaps?)?

Thank you!

1 Answer

0 votes
by s000005 (1.2k points)

The student can register an user accout on www.soscisurvey.de

Even when you hire the student, the student won’t get an e-mail account with medical university, which will be nescessary to register via SSO-Login.

SSO-lohin is not nescessary to register user accounts on our servers. It is just an additional feature we offer to manage accounts and permissions.

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