0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s277858 (130 points)


I created over 400 Pages with questions to respective images. The images are on the page in form of a "text" which is a link that leads to images sent in a discord chat. When I created the survey, I tested it and it worked perfectly. Now, all of a sudden, only the URL is shown on the page instead of the image. This is terrible for me because there is no other way to add that many images on soscisurvey and it is also lots of my time and effort just wasted. I do not understand why this happened...why are the links no longer converted into images? It doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. The discord chat still exists. Nothing changed. Please help me somehow!

1 Answer

0 votes
by s277858 (130 points)

Just noticed that discord links expire within 24 hours now. Does anyone know a good way to put that many images into soscisurvey? The data limit is way to small for the amount of images I need, even if I crop them.

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