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in SoSci Survey (English) by s270092 (120 points)


I have a 90-page questionnaire (my main study) and a 175-page questionnaire (an additional task that someone sent me which I opened in a new project according to the instructions on the website) - in two separate projects. I would like to merge them or find a way to integrate the 175-page questionnaire within my main study. Alternatively, I would like to know if there's a way to copy and paste questionnaire pages easily from one project to another. Rebuilding the pages would be quite time-consuming.

Thank you in advance!

1 Answer

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by s109993 (11.2k points)

You can just sent people from one questionnaire to the other one via redirect(); Important is, that the people use e.g. the same IDs/Logins that you can connect the data of both questionnaires later on. That works with two SoSci questionnaires, but also if you have a SoSci and a Lime Survey Questionnaire for example.

If both QNs have been programmed in SoSci, you can either export/import the whole Questionnaire or export single chapters or questions to integrate them in another QN.

by s270092 (120 points)
How can I export the questionnaire pages of one project to my main project? I managed to import the question items, but not the questionnaire pages (so the sequence of the actual questionnaire)
by s109993 (11.2k points)
You can just import/export the question or items, but you would have to place them manually again on the pages of the questionnaire. Only if you export/import a whole project, the already placed questions will be imported as well. I hope that makes sense.

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