0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s231951 (125 points)
closed by s231951

Dear SoSci-Survey Community,

I would like to conduct a longitudinal study with different questionnaires for different target groups over the course of a year.

There should be two different paths:

  1. short surveys every 2 weeks (t0, t1, t2, ...) for everyone
  2. short surveys every week depending on response behavior at 2 (for subgroup).

Path 1 can be implemented quite easily with multi-wave surveys and preset serial mailing. The idea is that people who, for example, answer a filter question at 1 ("Yes" or "No") are automatically forwarded to 2 and the serial mails stop at 1 for these people.

Now my question is whether SoSci-Survey has a way of implementing this automatically, e.g. using PHP code?

I hope the idea of the procedure is described clearly. If you have any questions, please contact me at any time!

Otherwise, many thanks in advance and best regards!

closed with the note: Found a Solution

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