0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s168524 (110 points)
closed by s168524

I want to reverse the encoding of a single item. The text from the guidebook says:

"Inverting items

You can invert the encoding of single items (reversed coding) so that a selection of the minimum (for example, “does not apply at all”) is not code 1 but code 5 (on a 5-level scale). To do this, either select a checkmark to the right of the item text (⮀) in the Item quick-entry or select the item on the left in the navigation (Question catalog) and activate the option Invert answer codes for this item."

However, I cannot seem to locate either a checkmark or the option "Invert answer codes for this item". Anyone experiencing the same problem?

closed with the note: It is only applicable to Likert-scales

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